• Most orders from Awandee Home are shipped out via FedEx / UPS.
  • Currently, Awandee Home only ships to the 48 contiguous states within the United States, excluding PO Boxes, APO, FPO, DPO addresses, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and Guam.
  • Orders must be placed by 12pm PST to start processing on the same day.
  • Processing time: usually takes up to 2 business days. Holiday processing times may vary. Please contact customer service for specific shipping information.
  • Delivery times: depending on destination usually take anywhere from 3–5 business days within the continental United States.

In most cases, we offer totally free shipping rates within the continental United States. And for other countries and regions, we are planning to provide the discounted flat shipping rates depends on the distance and package size.

The tracking number will be emailed to customers once the order is shipped.

Please confirm important information below to ensure your order arrives on time:

Address information: please ensure your business address or residential address is correct.

  • We don't offer delivery upstairs service, hope your kind understanding!
  • Affected by Covid-19, there will be some delay in the delivery.